Contributing to scikit-learn


Based on: How to contribute (opens in a new tab)

The major difference between tech companies and open source that in open source you don’t work on the main repository directly.

  • why?

    Projects like scikit-learn have hundreds of pull request monthly and an equal number of branches from many different contributors. If people were directly developing on scikit-learn, it will end up with an intractable number of branches on the main repo, and we don’t want that.

Instead, you must develop your branches on your local fork, before submitting your pull request (PR) from your fork to the main branch of the original repo:

Figure from author

Let’s setup your local working environment.

  1. Fork the original repository

    Screen Shot 2022-08-07 at 15.39.32.png

  2. Clone the project on your local machine

    Screen Shot 2022-08-07 at 15.47.44.png

    On your terminal:

    git clone <Your Project URL>
  3. Add the original scikit-learn upstream

    git remote add upstream

    Check that git remote -v display the following:

    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

    It will allow you to pull the latest change from the original repo, while pushing your commits to your fork.

  4. Install mamba from forge (opens in a new tab)

    Mamba is a fast front-end from conda.

    Conda is useful because it links all dependencies to the same backend, whereas pip setup adhoc backends for each library.

  5. Install mamba compilers

    mamba install compilers
  6. Create and activate a mamba environment

    mamba create -n sk
    mamba activate sk
  7. Install scikit dependencies

    mamba install cython scipy numpy joblib
  8. Install test dependencies

    mamba install pytest pytest-cov flake8 mypy numpydoc black==22.3.0
  9. Install pre-commit

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install
  10. Build and install sklearn locally

    pip install --no-build-isolation -e . -v 

    When developing Cython files, you need to recompile them by running this command before testing

  11. Check your installation

    python -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"

If the command is successful, go to the next tutorial to start contributing!