Apply Conf 2022
21. Feature engineering at scale with Dagger and Feast

21. Feature engineering at scale with Dagger and Feast, Ravi Suhag, Gojek (opens in a new tab)

👉 Slides (opens in a new tab)

  • Feature engineering: transforming raw data into high-quality model inputs and feature vector

    Put it in a features store

  • Better features provide better flexibility for modelling and simpler models. also better models

  • Challenges of features engineering

    • Inconsistency between training and serving

      Especially in real-time, you want the same transformation to happen as with batches transformation

    • DS don’t want to manage data pipelines, focus more on modelling

    • Scaling data infra

      Hard for DS to manage Flink, Spark and Kubes cluster

    • Real-time features need skilled data eng, to write more optimized jobs

  • Goals

    • Unify processing in real-time and batch. The logic needs to be the same. Self-service platform
    • Elastic infra, every time a DS adds a job, the infra can scale up
    • Standard and reusable transformations, a standard way to define that
    • No extra skills required from DS to create real-time features
  • Dagger is our solution, on top of Flink for stateful processing of data

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  • Pipeline with dagger and feast

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  • Dagger architecture

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  • Features:

    • SQL first: query, writing and templating queries
    • Flexible, various ways to extend it using UDFs processor/post-processor
    • Stream enrichment from DB sources or API to bring context data for real-time processing
  • Self-service:

    • DS shouldn’t be managing data pipelines
    • only specify their query and get the job running, and monitor it, have alerts, some templates
  • Managing with GitOps

    • Can specify deployment and version control with yaml
  • SQL first

    • Not turning complete, thus it will always complete, even if it fails, so won’t mobilize all the compute power in a data center
  • UDFs

    User define function can be used in SQL (like geohash)

    	data_location.longitude AS long
    	data_location.latitude AS lat
    	) AS geohashPickup,**
    	TUMBLE_END(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_timestamp
    	TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '60' SECOND),
  • Data masking

    encryption on sensitive data, hashing

    ******* Post processor config: ******
    	"internal_source": [{
    		"output_field": "*",
    		"value": "*",
    		"type": "sql"}],
    	"transformers": [{
    		"Transformation_class": "io.cdpf.dagger.functions.transformer",
    		**"transformation_arguments": {
    			"maskColumns": ["test_data.data1"]**
  • Hybrid data sources

    Managing logic in 2 places are an issue, if you’re doing real-time streaming and batch processing with static and historical data

    Dagger allow to use data simultaneously from different sources

    	"INPUT_SCHEMA_TABLE": "booking_log_stream",

    In this logic, you can backfill historical data using streaming source, and join data across multiple streams

  • Stream enrichment

    Use external data source (service endpoint, object stores, cache) to enrich real-time event and add context

    [{"internal_source": [{
    	"output_field": "booking_log",
    	"type": "sql",
    	"value": "*"
     **{"external_source": {
    		"es": [{
    			"host": "",
    			"port": "9200",**
    			"endpoint_pattern": "/customers/customer/%s",
    			"endpoint_variables": "customer_id",
    			"stream_timeout": "5000",
    			"output_mapping": {
    				"customer_profile": {"path": "$._source"}
  • Stream inference

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    Attach prediction to the same input event, in the streaming infra

    In details

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    • Ex: attach pricing prediction, for multiple consumers
    • All these predictions log are now in the warehouse, which every one can now use
    • Streaming are very self-service from a DS point of view
  • Dagger adoption at Gojek

    • 300+ dagger jobs for feature engineering
    • 50+ data scientists creating dagger jobs
    • 10TB+ data processed every day
  • Dagger is part of data ops foundation, with an experience first approach

    Dagger open source from 1 year

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  • Q&A
    • How feature eng can be viewed regarding autoML solutions?

      Not tackling this issue right now, but it can be explored

    • Dagger vs Spark?

      Dagger under the hood uses Fling, in batch mode

      Dagger adds an abstraction layer for data scientists, allow them to have a more use friendly experience

    • When ML Platform proposes new things, always some friction during user adoption. How did you approach 300 DS with dagger?

      Let make sure DS don’t need to learn new framework

      Don’t need to manage anything else

      Onboarding process for DS to play around with their feature is shorter