Apply Conf 2022
26. Evaluating RecSys in production

26. Evaluating RecSys in production, Federico, Tooso (opens in a new tab)

  • Issue:

    RecSys are vital for the user, but classic evaluation metrics are not enough

    Guessing when a recommendation is not relevant is tricky

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  • RecSys fails silently, with dramatic consequences

    and pseudo-feedback is tricky

  • Do your test capture these issues? Is there a way to evaluate RecSys?

  • Introducing behavioural testing

    1. Doesn’t focus on a single metrics

      • Inherent properties of uses cases, enforce input/output pairs
      • Similar items are symmetric
      • Complementary items are asymmetric

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    2. Quantify mistakes

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      “Terminator” is a much worse mistake than “Got Mail” as a recommendation

    3. Slice the data

      Imbalanced datapoint (power log distribution), good aggregate measure (like MRR) even if low represented data are worse

  • Solution: RecList is a behavioural test at scale

    Main abstractions

    • RecDataset: wraps dataset
    • RecModel: wrap predictions from models, allowing “black box” testing of APIs
    • RecList: declarative style, made of RecTests
    from reclist.metrics.standard_metrics import statistics
    class MyRecList(RecList):
    	def basic_stats(self):
    		return statistics(
    • Lot of pre-made behavioural tests to use

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    • Can be use for research with a new model
    • and also for prod system, using CI/CD (check if behavioral symmetry is verified)
  • Q&A

    • End game with reclist? a company?

      Keep it open-source, make it useful for research and also for production tool

    • Is it for recommender system only?

      Based mainly on rec for now

Behavioral testing of recommender systems with RecList (opens in a new tab)