Apply Conf 2022
34. Making model cards

34. Making model cards, Chris Albon, Wikimedia (opens in a new tab)

  • 150 models in prod, language translation, topic detection

  • Governed by the community and open funded by users, so pretty careful where money is spent on

  • Widely transparent: all code is public, ML team internal chat is public, tickets are public

    No black boxes, no secret sauce, have participation in it. We need a way for users to read and understand the models

  • Model cards are a single source of truth for an ML model

    public-facing, discuss motivation, training, its aim, how to get the code, the data etc

    important for transparency

  • Spent a lot of time speaking to the community, researchers, what do they looking for in a tool like this

    If people on french Wikipedia don’t want to use a tool, they can turn it off.

  • POC was pretty straightforward

    • Language agnostic topic detection
    • Talk about how the model should be used, all the story behind this. The least technical part of the discussion at the intro.
  • One model card

    Screen Shot 2022-05-31 at 17.58.45.png

  • Data card

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