Apply Conf 2022
30. Are transformers becoming the most impactful

30. Are transformers becoming the most impactful tech of the decade? Clément Delangue, Hugging Face (opens in a new tab)

  • Think about Google usage: results from natural language search are much better

    Auto completes on phone and emails are more and more accurate and useful

    Auto-translate super useful

    Moderation for offensive content

    Copilot feature on Github to go faster

    even Uber ETA

    ⇒ All powered by transformers and transfer learning architecture

  • How did that happen?

    2017: Attention is all you need, new architectures for ML

    2018: BERT, change the way to do ML.

  • Why did that happen?

    Compute power (affordable and available TPU and GPU) + large and open datasets + transfer learning (ability to fine-tune on smaller datasets)

    Transformers started to beat SOTA for every NLP task. Within a short period of time 69% → 88% accuracy (2019), humans are lower than 88% accuracy.

  • Amazing adoption of hugging face transformers

    Screen Shot 2022-05-31 at 16.51.16.png

  • Multiplication of models, being used by so many companies

    Now hugging face vision is to become the github of ML

    1000+ ML model shared on the platform, 10k companies using us

    More and more companies start with ML or transformers in mind

  • It is time to act on ethical AI

    The most popular transformer model BERT is extremely biased when it comes to inference jobs per gender

    It is the right time to vest heavily on AI ethics

    Model cards for model reporting: a way to communicate about the biases of model

    When practitioners use models the right way. Ex: hiring mustn’t be handled or filtered using BERT, because we know that it will be biased.

  • Another initiative: the data measurement tool

    Analyse datasets and try to find limitations and biases, to make sure it is understood and to manage properly, to mitigate those biases.

  • We can make ML and transformers the most positive technology of the decade