Proba ML
5. Decision Theory
5.1 Bayesian Decision Theory

5.1 Bayesian decision theory

Bayesian inference allows us to update our belief about hidden quantities HH based on observed data xXx\in X. To convert this inference into an action, we use Bayesian decision theory.

5.1.1 Basics

We assume an agent has a set of possible actions A\mathcal{A}. Each of these actions have a cost and benefits, depending on some state HHH \in\mathcal{H}.

We can encode this information using a loss function (h,a)\ell(h, a), specifying the cost of taking action aAa\in\mathcal{A} with state hHh\in\mathcal{H}.

In medical circles, a common measure to quantify the benefits of a drug is the quality-adjusted life years (QALY)

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Once we have the loss function, we can compute the posterior expected loss or risk

R(ax)Ep(hx)[(h,a)]=hH(h,a)p(hx)R(a|x) \triangleq \mathbb{E}_{p(h|x)}[\ell(h,a)]=\sum_{h\in \mathcal{H}} \ell(h,a)p(h|x)

The optimal policy specifies what action to take given observed data xx

π(x)=arg minaAR(ax)\pi^*(x)= \argmin_{a\in\mathcal{A}} R(a|x)

In the case of Covid, let say that xx is the age of each patient. We can convert test results into a distribution over disease states, and by combining it with the loss matrix above we can compute the optimal policy for each observation.

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Let say we improve the precision of the test, the probability that a positive test is correct increases and the cost of no-op for elderly increases as well, thus changing the action to take into 1.

5.1.2 Classification problems

Given an observed input xx, what is the optimal class label to predict?

Zero-one loss

Suppose the states are some classes H=Y={1,...,C}\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{Y}=\{1,...,C\}, and the action correspond to class labels A=Y\mathcal{A = Y}.

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Which corresponds to

01(y,y^)=I(y^y)\ell_{01}(y^*, \hat{y})=\mathbb{I}(\hat{y}\neq y^*)

In this case the posterior expected loss is

R(y^x)=p(y^yx)=1p(y^=y)R(\hat{y}|x)=p(\hat{y}\neq y^*|x)=1-p(\hat{y}=y^*)

Hence the action that minimize the risk is the most probable label, that is the mode of the posterior distribution, aka the MAP estimate

π(x)=arg maxyp(yx)\pi(x)=\argmax_{y}p(y|x)

Cost sensitive classification

Let’s now have the following loss function (y,y^)\ell(y^*,\hat{y})

(00011011)\begin{pmatrix} \ell_{00} & \ell_{01} \\ \ell_{10} & \ell_{11} \end{pmatrix}

Let p0=p(y=0x)p_0=p(y^*=0|x) and p1=1p0p_1=1-p_0. We select y^=0\hat{y}=0 iff

p000+p110<p001+p111p_0 \ell_{00} + p_1 \ell_{10} < p_0 \ell_{01} + p_1 \ell_{11}

when 00=11=0\ell_{00}=\ell_{11}=0 that simplifies to


And we have 10=c01\ell_{10}=c\, \ell_{01}


So if a false negative cost 2 times as much as a false positive, our positive threshold is 1/31/3.

The reject option

In some cases we would like to be able “I don’t know” instead of answering: that’s the reject option. The actions are A=Y{0}\mathcal{A}=\mathcal{Y} \cup \{0\} where 0 is the reject option.

The loss function is

(y,a)={0ify=a,a{1,...,C}λrif  a=0λeo.w.\ell(y^*,a)= \begin{cases} 0 & \mathrm{if}\,y^*=a, a\in\{1,...,C\} \\ \lambda_r & \mathrm{if} \;a=0 \\ \lambda_e & o.w. \end{cases}

And we choose the reject action whenever the highest probability is below λ=1λrλe\lambda^*=1-\frac{\lambda_r}{\lambda_e}. Otherwise choose the most probable class.

a={yifp>λrejecto.w.a^*= \begin{cases}y^* &\mathrm{if}\,p^*>\lambda^*\\ \mathrm{reject} & o.w.\end{cases}

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5.1.3 ROC curve

For any fixed threshold τ\tau we consider the following

y^τ(x)=I(p(y=1x)1τ)\hat{y}_{\tau}(x)=\mathbb{I}(p(y=1|x) \geq 1-\tau)

We can compute the number of false positives

FPτ=n=1NI(y^τ(xn)=1,yn=0)FP_{\tau}=\sum_{n=1}^N \mathbb{I}(\hat{y}_\tau(x_n)=1,y_n=0)

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By normalizing by row p(y^y)p(\hat{y}|y) or by columns p(yy^)p(y|\hat{y}) we can derive various summary statistics.

TPRτ=Recallτ=p(y^=1y=1,τ)=TPτTPτ+FNτ=TPτPFPRτ=p(y^=1y=0,τ)=FPτFPτ+TNτ=FPτNPrecτ=p(y=1y^=1,τ)=TPτTPτ+FPτ\begin{align} TPR_{\tau}=Recall_\tau&=p(\hat{y}=1|y=1, \tau)=\frac{TP_\tau}{TP_\tau+FN_\tau}=\frac{TP_\tau}{P} \\ FPR_\tau &= p(\hat{y}=1| y=0,\tau)=\frac{FP_\tau}{FP_\tau+TN_\tau}=\frac{FP_\tau}N{}\\ Prec_\tau&=p(y=1|\hat{y}=1,\tau)=\frac{TP_\tau}{TP_\tau+FP_\tau} \\ \end{align}

We can plot the TPRτTPR_\tau and FPRτFPR_\tau as a function of τ\tau (ROC curve) and the PR curve.

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We summarize the ROC curve using its area under the curve (AUC), the best being 1 and the worst being 0.5 (random prediction).

PR curve can be summarized by taking the precision of the KK first recalled elements: this is the precision at KK score (P@k).

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5.1.4 PR Curve

In rank retrieval problems, a PR curve can be non-monotonic (opens in a new tab). Suppose a classifier has a precision of 90% with recall of 10%, and a precision of 96% with a recall of 20%. We can compute the maximum precision (96%) we can achieve with at least a recall of KK (10%): this is the interpolated precision.

The average of the interpolated precisions (AP) is the area under the interpolated PR curve.

The mean average precision (mAP) is the mean of the AP over a set of different PR curves.

The FβF_\beta score can be defined as follow for β>0\beta>0:




If we set β=1\beta=1 we got the harmonic mean of the precision and recall:


The harmonic mean is more conservative than the arithmetic mean and it requires both precision and recall to be high.

Suppose the recall is very high and the precision is very low, we would have P+R2R/250%\frac{\mathcal{P+R}}{2} \approx R/2 \approx50\%

whereas F12P.R/R2P<<50%F_1 \approx\mathcal{2P.R/R\approx2P<< 50\%}

Using the F1F_1 score weights precision and recall equally. If recall is more important we may use β=2\beta=2, and if precision is more important we may use β=0.5\beta=0.5.

Class imbalance doesn’t affect ROC curve, since the TPR and FPR are a class ratio.

However the RC curve is affected, since the precision can be written:

Precτ=TPτTPτ+FPτ=TPRτ.PTPRτ.P+FPRτ.N=TPRτTPRτ+1rFPRτPrec_\tau=\frac{TP_\tau}{TP_\tau+FP_\tau}=\frac{TPR_\tau .P}{TPR_\tau.P + FPR_\tau.N}=\frac{TPR_\tau}{TPR_\tau+\frac{1}{r}FPR_\tau}

with r=PNr=\frac{P}{N}, so that Precτ1Prec_\tau \rightarrow 1 when N0N\rightarrow0 and Precτ0Prec_\tau \rightarrow 0 when P0P\rightarrow0

The F1 score is also affected, since:


5.1.5 Regression problems

In regression settings, the set of state and action space is H=A=R\mathcal{H=A}=\mathbb{R}

L2 loss

The most common loss is the 2\ell_2 loss:

2(h,a)=(ha)2\ell_2(h, a)=(h-a)^2

In this case, the risk is given by:


The optimal action reduce the risk at that point to 0, in this case the posterior mean:

aR(ax)=2E[hx]+2a=0π(x)=E[hx]=hp(hx)dh\frac{\partial}{\partial a}R(a|x)=-2\mathbb{E}[h|x]+2a=0 \Rightarrow \pi(x)=\mathbb{E}[h|x]=\int hp(h|x)dh

L1 loss

1\ell_1 loss is less sensitive to outliers than 2\ell_2 loss:


The optimal action is the posterior median, aa such that:


Huber loss

Another robust loss function:

δ(h,a)={r2/2if  r<δ/2δrδ2/2o.w.\ell_\delta(h,a)= \begin{cases} r^2/2&\mathrm{if}\;|r|< \delta/2 \\ \delta|r|-\delta^2/2 & o.w. \end{cases}

where r=har=h-a

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5.1.6 Probabilistic prediction problems

We now assume the set of possible actions is to pick a probability distribution over some value. The state is a distribution h=p(Yx)h=p(Y|x) and the action is another a=q(Yx)a=q(Y|x).

We want to pick qq to minimize E[(p,q)]\mathbb{E}[\ell(p,q)] for a given xx.

Kullback Leibler divergence

DKL(pq)yYp(y)logp(y)q(y)=p(y)logp(y)p(y)logq(y)=H(p)+H(p,q)\begin{align} D_{KL}(p||q)&\triangleq\sum_{y\in\mathcal{Y}} p(y)\log\frac{p(y)}{q(y)} \\ &= \sum p(y)\log p(y) -\sum p(y) \log q(y) \\ &= -\mathbb{H}(p) + \mathbb{H}(p,q) \end{align}

H(p)\mathbb{H}(p) and H(p,q)\mathbb{H}(p,q) are the entropy and cross-entropy.

yy is discrete, but this can be generalized to continuous values.

To find the optimal distribution to use, we minimize DKL(pq)D_{KL}(p||q) and as H(p)\mathbb{H}(p) is constant wrt qq, we only minimize the cross-entropy term:

q(Yx)=arg minqH(p(Yx),q(Yx))q^*(Y|x)= \argmin_q \mathbb{H}(p(Y|x),q(Y|x))

If the state is degenerate and puts all its mass on a single outcome i.e. h=p(Yx)=I(y=c)h=p(Y|x)=\mathbb{I}(y=c), the cross entropy becomes:

H(δ(y=c),q)=yδ(y=c)logq(y)=logq(c)\mathbb{H}(\delta(y=c),q)=-\sum_y\delta(y=c)\log q(y)=-\log q(c)

This is the log loss of the predictive distribution qq when given target label cc.

Proper scoring rule

The key property we desire is that the loss function is minimized iff the chosen distribution qq matches the true distribution pp, ie (p,p)(p,q)\ell(p,p)\leq \ell(p,q) $$, \ell is the proper scoring rule.

The cross-entropy is a proper scoring rule since DKL(pp)DKL(pq)D_{KL}(p||p)\leq D_{KL}(p||q), but the logp(y)/q(y)\log p(y)/q(y) term is sensitive to errors for low probability events

A common alternative is the Brier score:

(p,q)1Cc=1C(q(y=cx)p(y=cx))2\ell(p,q) \triangleq\frac{1}{C}\sum_{c=1}^C\big(q(y=c|x)-p(y=c|x)\big)^2

See this discussion on scikit-learn (opens in a new tab) about the benefit and drawbacks of Log loss vs Brier score.