Proba ML
17. Kernel Methods
17.3 Support vector machines (SVM)

17.3 Support vector machines (SVM)

We now discuss a form of (non-probabilistic) predictors for classification and regression problems which have the form:

f(x)=i=1NαiK(x,xi)f(\bold{x})=\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \mathcal{K}(\bold{x},\bold{x}_i)

By adding some constraints, we can ensure only few coefficient αi\alpha_i are non-zero, so that predictions only depends on a subset of the training points, called support vectors.

The resulting model is called support vector machine (SVM).

17.3.1 Large margin classifiers

Consider a binary classifier of the form h(x)=sign(f(x))h(\bold{x})=\mathrm{sign}(f(\bold{x})), where the decision boundary is given by:

f(x)=wx+w0f(\bold{x})=\bold{w}^\top \bold{x}+w_0

In the SVM literature, it is common to use class labels of {1,+1}\{-1,+1\} rather than {0,1}\{0,1\}. We denote such targets as y~\tilde{y} instead of yy.

There might be many lines that separate the data, and intuitively we want to pick the one that has the maximum margin. This represents the distance between the closest point to the decision boundary.

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The model on the left gives the best solution, because more robust to perturbation of the data.

How can we compute such a large margin classifier? First, we need to derive an expression of the distance of a point to the decision boundary.

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We see that:


where rr is the distance from x\bold{x} to the decision boundary whose normal vector is w\bold{w}, and x\bold{x}_\bot is the orthogonal projection of x\bold{x} on the decision boundary.

We would like to maximize rr, so we need to express it as a function of w\bold{w}:

f(x)=w(x+rww)+w0=wx+w0+rwww=f(x)+rw=rw\begin{align} f(\bold{x})&=\bold{w}^\top (\bold{x}_\bot+r\frac{\bold{w}}{||\bold{w}||})+w_0\\ &= \bold{w}^\top \bold{x}_\bot+w_0+r\frac{\bold{w}^\top \bold{w}}{||\bold{w}||} \\ &= f(\bold{x}_\bot)+r||\bold{w}|| \\ &= r||\bold{w}|| \end{align}

Since f(x)=0f(\bold{x}_\bot)=0, therefore r=f(x)/wr=f(\bold{x})/||w||

Since we want to ensure that each point is on the correct point of the boundary, we also require f(xn)y~n>0f(\bold{x}_n)\tilde{y}_n>0.

We want to maximize the distance to the closest point, so our final objective is:

maxw,w01wminn=1N[(wx+w0)y~n]\max_{\bold{w},w_0} \frac{1}{||\bold{w}||}\min_{n=1}^N [(\bold{w}^\top \bold{x}+w_0)\tilde{y}_n]

Note that rescaling the parameters using wkw\bold{w}\rightarrow k\bold{w} don’t change the distance to the decision boundary, since we divide by w||\bold{w}||.

Therefore let’s define the scale factor such as fny~n=1f_n\tilde{y}_n=1 that closest point to the decision boundary. Hence fny~n1f_n\tilde{y}_n\geq 1 for all nn.

Thus, we get the new objective:

minw,w012w2s.t.(wx+w0)y~n1,n=1:N\min_{\bold{w},w_0} \frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2 \quad s.t.\quad (\bold{w^\top}\bold{x}+w_0)\tilde{y}_n \geq 1,n=1:N

Note that it is important to scale the input variables before using an SVM, otherwise the margin measures distance of a point to the boundary using all input dimensions equally.

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17.3.2 The dual problem

The last objective is a standard quadratic programming problem since we have a quadratic objective subject to linear constraints. This has N+D+1N+D+1 variables for NN constraints, and is known as a primal problem.

In convex optimization, for every primal problem we can derive a dual problem. Let αRN\alpha \in \R^N be the dual variables, corresponding to Lagrangian multipliers that enforce NN inequality constraints.

The generalized Lagrangian is:

L(w,w0,α)=12wwn=1Nαn((wxn+w0)y~n1)\mathcal{L}(\bold{w},w_0,\alpha)=\frac{1}{2}\bold{w}^\top \bold{w}-\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n ((\bold{w}^\top \bold{x}_n+w_0)\tilde{y}_n-1)

To optimize this, we must find stationary point that satisfies:

(w^,w^0,α^)=arg minw,w0maxαL(w,w0,α)(\hat{\bold{w}},\hat{w}_0,\hat{\alpha})=\argmin_{\bold{w},w_0} \max_\alpha\mathcal{L}(\bold{w},w_0,\alpha)

We do it by computing the partial derivatives wrt w\bold{w} and w0w_0 and setting them to zero:

wL(w,w0,α)=wn=1Nαny~nxnw0L(w,w0,α)=n=1Nαny~n\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial \bold{w}}\mathcal{L}(\bold{w},w_0,\alpha)&=\bold{w}-\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \tilde{y}_n\bold{x}_n\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial w_0}\mathcal{L}(\bold{w},w_0,\alpha)&=-\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \tilde{y}_n \end{align}


w^=n=1Nαny~nxn0=n=1Nαny~n\begin{align} \hat{\bold{w}} &=\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \tilde{y}_n \bold{x}_n \\ 0&= \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n\tilde{y}_n \end{align}

Plugging these into the Lagrangian yields:

L(w^,w^0,α)=12wwn=1Nαnwxny~nn=1Nαnw0y~n+n=1Nαn=12wwww0+n=1Nαn=12ww+n=1Nαn\begin{align} \mathcal{L}(\hat{\bold{w}},\hat{w}_0,\alpha)&= \frac{1}{2}\bold{w}^\top \bold{w}-\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \bold{w}^\top\bold{x}_n\tilde{y}_n-\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n w_0\tilde{y}_n+\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\bold{w}^\top\bold{w}-\bold{w}^\top\bold{w}-0+\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n \\ &= -\frac{1}{2}\bold{w}^\top \bold{w+}\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n \end{align}

This is called the dual form of the objective. We want to maximize this wrt α\alpha subject to the constraints that n=1Nαny~n=0\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n \tilde{y}_n=0 and αn0\alpha_n\geq 0

The above objective is a quadratic problem with NN variables. Standard QP problems solvers take O(N3)O(N^3) time.

However, specialized algorithms, such as sequential minimal optimization (SMO), have been developed to avoid using generic QP solvers. These take O(N)O(N) to O(N2)O(N^2) time.

Since this is a convex objective, it must satisfied the KKT conditions, which yields the following properties:

αn0y~nf(xn)10αn(y~nf(xn)1)=0\begin{align} \alpha_n&\geq 0\\ \tilde{y}_n f(\bold{x}_n)-1&\geq 0 \\ \alpha_n(\tilde{y}_n f(\bold{x}_n)-1)&=0 \end{align}

Hence either αn=0\alpha_n=0 or the constraint y~nf(xn)=1\tilde{y}_n f(\bold{x}_n)=1 is active. This latter condition means that example nn lies on the decision boundary, so it is a support vector.

We denote the set of support vectors by S\mathcal{S}. To perform prediction, we use:

f(x;w,w0)=wx+w0=nSαny~nxnx+w^0f(\bold{x};\bold{w},w_0)=\bold{w}^\top\bold{x}+w_0=\sum_{n\in\mathcal{S}}\alpha_n\tilde{y}_n\bold{x}_n^\top \bold{x}+\hat{w}_0

To solve for w^0\hat{w}_0, we can use the fact that for any support vector, we have y~nf(x;w^,w^0)=1\tilde{y}_nf(\bold{x};\hat{\bold{w}},\hat{w}_0)=1.

Multiplying each side by y~n\tilde{y}_n and exploiting the fact that y~n2=1\tilde{y}_n^2=1, we get w^0=y^nw^xn\hat{w}_0=\hat{y}_n-\hat{\bold{w}}^\top \bold{x}_n

We take to mean to obtain a more robust estimate:


17.3.3 Soft margin classifiers

If the data is not linearly separable, there will be no feasible solution in which y~nfn1\tilde{y}_nf_n\geq 1 for all nn.

We therefore introduce slack variables ξn0\xi_n\geq 0 and replace the hard constraints with soft margin constraints y~nfn1ξn\tilde{y}_nf_n\geq 1-\xi_n.

The objective becomes:

minw,w012w2+Cn=1Nξns.t.ξn0,(wx+w0)y~n1ξn\min_{\bold{w},w_0} \frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2+C\sum_{n=1}^N\xi_n \quad s.t.\quad \xi_n\ge 0,\quad(\bold{w^\top}\bold{x}+w_0)\tilde{y}_n \geq 1-\xi_n

where C0C\geq 0 is a hyperparameter controlling how many points we allow to violate the margin constraint. If C=C=\infin, we recover the previous unregularized hard margin classifier.

The corresponding Lagrangian is:

L(w,w0,α,ξ,μ)=12w2+Cn=1Nξn+n=1Nαn((wxn+w0)y~n1+ξn)+n=1Nμnξn\begin{align} \mathcal{L}(\bold{w},w_0,\alpha,\xi,\mu)&=\frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2+C\sum_{n=1}^N \xi_n \\&+\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n((\bold{w}^\top \bold{x}_n+w_0)\tilde{y}_n-1+\xi_n)+\sum_{n=1}^N\mu_n \xi_n \end{align}

where αn\alpha_n and μn\mu_n are the Lagrange multipliers.

Optimizing out w\bold{w}, w0w_0 and ξ\xi gives the dual form:

L(α)=12w2+n=1Nαn\mathcal{L}(\alpha)=-\frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2+\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n

This is identical to the hard margin case, however the constraints are different. The KKT conditions imply that:

0αnCn=1Nαny~n=0\begin{align} 0\leq \alpha_n &\leq C \\ \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \tilde{y}_n &= 0 \end{align}
  • If αn=0\alpha_n=0, the point is ignored.
  • If 0<αn<C0<\alpha_n<C then ξn=0\xi_n=0 so the point lies on the margin.
  • If αn=C\alpha_n=C, then the point can lie inside the margin, and can either be correctly classified if ξn1\xi_n\leq 1, or misclassified if ξ>1\xi > 1.

Hence, n=1Nξn\sum_{n=1}^N \xi_n is an upper bound on the number of misclassified points.

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As before, the bias term can be computed using:


where M\mathcal{M} is the set of points having 0<αn<C0<\alpha_n<C.

There is an alternative formulation called ν\nu-SVM classifier. This involves maximizing:

L(α)=12w2=12i=1Nj=1Nαiαjy~iy~jxixj\mathcal{L}(\alpha)=-\frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2=-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_i\alpha_j\tilde{y}_i\tilde{y}_j \bold{x}_i^\top \bold{x}_j

subject to the constraints:

0αn1/Nn=1Nαny~n=0n=1Nαnν\begin{align} &0\leq \alpha_n\leq 1/N \\ &\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n\tilde{y}_n=0 \\ &\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \geq \nu \end{align}

This has the advantage that the parameter ν\nu, which replace the parameter CC, can be interpreted as an upper bound on the fraction of margin errors (point for which ξn0\xi_n\ge 0), as well as a lower bound on the number of support vectors.

17.3.4 The kernel trick

We have converted the large margin classification problem into a dual problem in NN unknowns αn\alpha_n which takes O(N3)O(N^3) time to solve, which is slow.

The benefit of the dual problem is that we can replace all inner product operation xx\bold{x}^\top \bold{x}' with a call to a positive definite Mercer kernel function, K(x,x)\mathcal{K}(\bold{x},\bold{x}'). This is called kernel trick.

We can rewrite the prediction equation as:

f(x)=w^x+w^0=nSαny~nxnx+w^0=nSαny~nK(xn,x)+w^0\begin{align} f(\bold{x})=\hat{\bold{w}}^\top\bold{x}+\hat{w}_0&=\sum_{n\in\mathcal{S}}\alpha_n\tilde{y}_n \bold{x}_n^\top \bold{x}+\hat{w}_0\\ &= \sum_{n\in\mathcal{S}}\alpha_n\tilde{y}_n \mathcal{K}(\bold{x}_n,\bold{x})+\hat{w}_0\\ \end{align}

We also need to kernelize the bias term:

w^0=1S(nSy~n(mSαmy~mxm)xn)=1S(nSy~nmSαmy~mK(xm,xn))\begin{align} \hat{w}_0&=\frac{1}{|\mathcal{S}|}\Big(\sum_{n\in\mathcal{S}} \tilde{y}_n-(\sum_{m\in\mathcal{S}}\alpha_m\tilde{y}_m\bold{x}_m^\top) \bold{x_n}\Big) \\ &= \frac{1}{|\mathcal{S}|}\Big(\sum_{n\in\mathcal{S}} \tilde{y}_n-\sum_{m\in\mathcal{S}}\alpha_m\tilde{y}_m\mathcal{K}(\bold{x}_m, \bold{x_n})\Big) \end{align}

The kernel trick allows us to avoid dealing with explicit feature representation, and allows us to easily apply classifiers to structured objects, such as strings and graphs.

17.3.5 Converting SVM outputs into probabilities

An SVM classifier produce hard labeling y^(x)=sign(f(x))\hat{y}(\bold{x})=\mathrm{sign}(f(\bold{x})). However, we often want a measure of confidence in our prediction.

One heuristic approach is to interpret f(x)f(\bold{x}) as the log-odds ratio logp(y=1x)p(y=0x)\log \frac{p(y=1|\bold{x})}{p(y=0|\bold{x})}. We can then convert an SVM output to probability:


where aa, bb can be estimated using MLE on a separate validation set. This is known as Platt scaling.

However, the resulting probabilities are not well calibrated, since there is nothing that justifies interpreting f(x)f(\bold{x}) as the log-odds ratio.

To see this, suppose we have 1d data where:

  • p(xy=0)=Uni(0,1)p(\bold{x}|y=0)=\mathrm{Uni}(0,1)
  • p(xy=1)=Uni(0.5,1.5)p(\bold{x}|y=1)=\mathrm{Uni}(0.5,1.5)

Since the class-conditional distributions overlap in this interval, the log-odd should be 0 inside it and infinite outside.

We train a probabilistic kernel classifier (RVM) and a SVM with Gaussian kernel. Both model can perfectly capture the decision boundary and achieve a generalization error of 25%, which is Bayes optimal in this problem.

However, the SVM doesn’t yield a good approximation of the true log-odds.

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17.3.6 Connection with logistic regression

Data points that are on the (correct side) decision boundary have ξn=0\xi_n=0, the others have ξn=1y~nf(xn)\xi_n=1-\tilde{y}_nf(\bold{x}_n). Therefore we can rewrite the soft-margin objective in its primal form as:

L(w)=1Nn=1Nhinge(y~n,f(xn))+λw2\mathcal{L}(\bold{w})=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N \ell_{\mathrm{hinge}}(\tilde{y}_n,f(\bold{x}_n))+\lambda||\bold{w}||^2

where λ=12C\lambda=\frac{1}{2C} and the hinge loss is defined as:

hinge(y~,μ)=max(0,1y~μ)\ell_{\mathrm{hinge}}(\tilde{y},\mu)=\max(0, 1-\tilde{y}\mu)

This is a convex, piecewise differentiable upper-bound to the 0-1 loss.

By contrast, the (penalized) logistic regression optimizes:

L(w)=1Nn=1Nll(y~n,f(xn))+λw2\mathcal{L}(\bold{w})=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N \ell_{ll}(\tilde{y}_n,f(\bold{x}_n))+\lambda||\bold{w}||^2

where the log loss is given by:


The two major differences between both loss is that:

  1. The hinge loss is piecewise linear, so we can’t use regular gradient methods to optimize it.
  2. The hinge loss has a region where it is strictly 0. This results in sparse estimates.

17.3.7 Multi-class classification with SVMs

SVMs are inherently binary classifiers.

One way to convert them to a multi-class classification model is to train CC binary classifiers, where the data from class cc is treated as positive, and the rest is negative.

We then predict the label by using the rule:

y^(x)=arg maxcfc(x)\hat{y}(\bold{x})=\argmax_{c}f_c(\bold{x})

where fc(x)=logp(c=1x)p(c=0x)f_c(\bold{x})=\log \frac{p(c=1|\bold{x})}{p(c=0|\bold{x})}. This is known as the one-vs-rest approach (aka one-vs-all).

Unfortunately, this has shortcomings:

  1. This can result in regions of input space where the predicted label is ambiguous
  2. The magnitude of the fcf_c scores are not calibrated well with each other, so there are hard to compare.
  3. Each binary subproblem is likely to suffer from imbalance problem, which can hurt performances: for 10 equally represented classes, each positive class represents only 10% of labels.

We can also use the one-vs-one (OVO) approach, in which we train C(C1)/2C(C-1)/2 classifiers to discriminate all pairs fc,cf_{c,c'}. We then classify a point into a class that has the higher number of votes.

However this can also result in ambiguities, and this require fitting O(C2)O(C^2) models.

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17.3.8 How to choose the regularizer CC

SVMs require to specify the kernel function and the parameter CC, usually chosen with cross-validation.

Note however that CC interact quite strongly with kernel parameters, for example with precision γ=1/2σ2\gamma=1/2\sigma^2.

  • If γ\gamma is large, corresponding to narrow kernel, we may need heavy regularization, hence small CC
  • If γ\gamma is small, a larger value of CC should be used.

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The authors of libsvm recommend using CV over a 2d grid with values C{25,23,,215}C\in\{2^{-5},2^{-3},\dots,2^{15}\} and γ{215,213,,23}\gamma\in\{2^{-15},2^{-13},\dots,2^3\}

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To choose CC efficiently, we can develop a path following algorithm similar to lars.

The idea is to start with a small CC so that the margin is wide and all points are inside it. By increasing CC, points will move from inside the margin to outside, and their αi\alpha_i value change from 1 to 0 as they cease to be support vectors. When CC is maximal, there are no support vectors left.

17.3.9 Kernel ridge regression

The ridge regression equation is:

w^map=(XX+λID)1Xy=(n=1Nxnxn+λID)1(ny~nxn)\begin{align} \hat{\bold{w}}_{\mathrm{map}}&=(X^\top X+\lambda I_D)^{-1}X^\top \bold{y} \\ &= (\sum_{n=1}^N \bold{x}_n\bold{x}_n^\top +\lambda I_D)^{-1}(\sum_n\tilde{y}_n\bold{x}_n) \end{align}

Using the matrix inversion lemma, we can rewrite the ridge estimate as follows:

w=X(XX+λIN)1y=n=1Nxn((d=1Dxdxd+λIN)1y)n\begin{align} \bold{w}&=X^\top (X X^\top+\lambda I_N)^{-1}\bold{y}\\ &=\sum_{n=1}^N\bold{x}_n ((\sum_{d=1}^D \bold{x}_d\bold{x}_d^\top+\lambda I_N)^{-1}\bold{y})_n \end{align}

Let’s now define the dual variables:

α(XX+λIN)1y\alpha\triangleq (XX^\top+\lambda I_N)^{-1}\bold{y}

We can rewrite the primal variables as:

w=Xα=n=1Nxnαn\bold{w}=X^\top\alpha =\sum_{n=1}^N \bold{x}_n\alpha_n

So, the solution vector is just a weighted sum of the N training vectors.

We plug this at test time to get the predictive mean:

f(x;w)=xw=n=1Nαnxnx=n=1NαnK(xn,x)f(\bold{x};\bold{w})=\bold{x}^\top \bold{w}=\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n\bold{x}_n^\top\bold{x}=\sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n \mathcal{K}(\bold{x}_n,\bold{x})

where we used the kernel trick, with the dual parameter becoming:

α=(K+λIN)1y\alpha=(K+\lambda I_N)^{-1}\bold{y}

In other words:

f(x;w)=k(K+λIN)1yf(\bold{x};\bold{w})=\bold{k}^\top (K+\lambda I_N)^{-1}\bold{y}

where k=[K(x1,x),,K(xN,x)]\bold{k}=[\mathcal{K}(\bold{x}_1,\bold{x}),\dots,\mathcal{K}(\bold{x}_N,\bold{x})].

This is called ridge kernel regression. The issue with this approach is that the solution vector α\alpha is not sparse, so predictions at test time will take O(N)O(N) time.

17.3.10 SVMs for regression

Consider the following 2\ell_2-regularized ERM problem:

J(w,λ)=n=1N(y~n,y^n)+λw2J(\bold{w},\lambda)=\sum_{n=1}^N \ell(\tilde{y}_n,\hat{y}_n)+\lambda||\bold{w}||^2

where y^n=wxn+w0\hat{y}_n=\bold{w}^\top \bold{x}_n+w_0.

If we use the quadratic loss, we recover ridge regression. If we then apply the kernel trick, we recover kernel ridge regression.

By changing the loss function, we can make the optimal set of basis coefficient α\alpha_* sparse. In particular, consider the variant of the Huber loss function, the epsilon insensitive loss function:

Lϵ(y,y^){0if  yy^<ϵyy^ϵotherwiseL_{\epsilon}(y,\hat{y})\triangleq \begin{cases} 0 &\mathrm{if}\;|y-\hat{y}|<\epsilon \\ |y-\hat{y}|-\epsilon &\mathrm{otherwise} \end{cases}

This means any point lying in the ϵ\epsilon-tube is not penalized.

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The corresponding loss function can be written:

J=12w2+Cn=1NLϵ(y~n,y^n)J=\frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2+C\sum_{n=1}^N L_{\epsilon}(\tilde{y}_n,\hat{y}_n)

where C=1/λC=1/\lambda is a regularization constraint.

The objective is convex without constraint but not differentiable, because of the absolute value in the loss term. As for the lasso, there is several algorithm we could use.

One popular approach is to formulate the problem as a constraint optimization one. We introduce slack variables to represent the degree to which each point lies outside the tube:

f(xn)ϵξny~nf(xn)+ϵ+ξn+f(\bold{x}_n)-\epsilon-\xi_n^-\leq\tilde{y}_n\leq f(\bold{x}_n)+\epsilon+\xi^+_n

We can rewrite the objective as:

J=12w2+Cn=1N(ξn++ξn)J=\frac{1}{2}||\bold{w}||^2+C\sum_{n=1}^N (\xi_n^++\xi_n^-)

This is a quadratic function of w\bold{w} and must be minimized subject to the above constraint, as well as positive constraint on ξn+0\xi^+_n\geq 0 and ξn0\xi_n^-\geq 0.

This is a standard quadratic problem in 2N+D+12N+D+1 variables. By forming the Lagrangian and optimizing as we did above, one can show that the optimal solution is:

w^=n=1Nαnxn\hat{\bold{w}}=\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_ n\bold{x}_n

where αn0\alpha_n\geq 0 are the dual variables.

This time the α\alpha vector is sparse, because the loss doesn’t care about errors smaller than ϵ.\epsilon. The degree of sparsity is controlled by CC and ϵ.\epsilon.

The xn\bold{x}_n for which αn>0\alpha_n>0 are the sparse vectors, lying on or outside the ϵ\epsilon tube. They are the only examples we need to keep since:


The overall technique is called SVM regression.

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