Proba ML
8. Optimization
8.3 Second-Order Methods

8.3 Second-order methods

First-order methods only exploit the gradient of the loss function, which is cheap to compute but can be imprecise. Second-order methods leverage the curvature of the loss using the Hessian.

8.3.1 Newton’s method

The classic second-order method is Newton’s method, whose update is:

θt+1=θtμtHt1gt\theta_{t+1}=\theta_t-\mu_t H^{-1}_t \bold{g}_t

where HtH_t is assumed positive-definite. The intuition is that H1H^{-1} “undoes” the skewness in the local curvature.

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To see why, consider the Taylor series approximation of L(θ)\mathcal{L(\theta)} around θt\theta_t:

L(θ)=L(θt)+gt(θθt)+12(θθt)Ht(θθt)\mathcal{L}(\theta)=\mathcal{L}(\theta_t)+\bold{g}^\top_t(\theta-\theta_t)+\frac{1}{2} (\theta-\theta_t)^\top H_t (\theta-\theta_t)

The differential w.r.t θ\theta gives:


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8.3.2 BFGS

Quasi-Newton methods iteratively build up an approximation to the Hessian, using information about the gradient at each step:

Ht+1Bt+1=Bt+ytytytst(Btst)(Btst)stBtstH_{t+1}\approx B_{t+1}=B_t+\frac{\bold{y}_t\bold{y}_t^\top}{\bold{y}_t^\top \bold{s}_t}-\frac{(B_t\bold{s}_t)(B_t\bold{s}_t)^\top}{\bold{s}_t^\top B_t \bold{s}_t}

with st=θtθt1\bold{s}_t=\theta_t-\theta_{t-1} and yt=gtgt1\bold{y}_t=\bold{g}_t-\bold{g}_{t-1}

If B0B_0 is positive definite and the step size μ\mu is chosen via line search satisfying the Armiko condition and the curvature condition:

dtL(θt+μdt)c2dtL(θt)\bold{d}_t^\top\nabla \mathcal{L}(\theta_t+\mu \bold{d}_t)\geq c_2 \bold{d}_t^\top \nabla \mathcal{L}(\theta_t)

with c2[c,1]c_2\in[c,1], then Bt+1B_{t+1} remains positive definite.

Typically, B0=IB_0=I.

Alternatively, BFGS can iteratively update an approximate the inverse of the Hessian:

Ht+11Ct+1=(Istytytst)Ct(Iytstytst)+ststytstH_{t+1}^{-1}\approx C_{t+1}=\Big(I-\frac{\bold{s}_t \bold{y}_t^\top}{\bold{y}_t^\top \bold{s}_t}\Big) C_t\Big(I-\frac{\bold{y}_t\bold{s}_t ^\top}{\bold{y}_t^\top \bold{s}_t}\Big)+\frac{\bold{s_t}\bold{s_t}^\top}{\bold{y}^\top_t\bold{s}_t}

Since storing the Hessian approximation still takes O(D2)O(D^2) space, for very large problems the limited memory (L-BFGS) is preferred.

Rather than storing BtB_t, we store the MM most recent (st,yt)(s_t,y_t) and then approximate Ht1gtH_t^{-1} \bold{g}_t by performing a sequence of inner products with the stored st\bold{s}_t and yt\bold{y}_t vectors.

MM between 5-20 is often sufficient.

8.3.3 Trust region methods

If the objective function is non-convex, then the Hessian may not be positive definite, so dt=Htgt\bold{d}_t=-H_t\bold{g}_t may not be the descent direction. In general, any time the quadratic approximation made by Newton’s method is invalid, we are in trouble.

However, there is usually a local region Rt\mathcal{R}_t around the current iterate where we can safely approximate the objective by a quadratic.

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Let M(δ)M(\delta) the approximation to the objective, where δ=θθt\delta=\theta-\theta_t. At each step, we solve:

δ=arg minδRtMt(δ)\delta^*=\argmin_{\delta \in \mathcal{R}_t}M_t(\delta)

this is called trust-region optimization.

We usually assume MtM_t is a quadratic approximation:

Mt(δ)=L(θt)+gtδ+12δHtδM_t(\delta)=\mathcal{L}(\theta_t)+\bold{g}_t^\top\delta +\frac{1}{2}\delta^\top H_t \delta

We assume that the region is a ball:


The constraint problem becomes an unconstrained one:

δ=arg minδM(δ)=gδ+12δHδ+λδ2=gδ+12δ(H+λI)δ\begin{align} \delta^* =\argmin_{\delta}M(\delta)&=\bold{g}^\top \delta +\frac{1}{2}\delta^\top H \delta +\lambda ||\delta||_2 \\ &=\bold{g}^\top \delta +\frac{1}{2}\delta^\top (H+\lambda I)\delta \end{align}

for some Lagrange multiplier λ>0\lambda >0.

We can solve this using:

δ=(H+λI)1g\delta=-(H+\lambda I)^{-1}\bold{g}

This is called Tikhonov regularization, adding a sufficiently large λI\lambda I ensure that the resulting matrix is always positive definite.

See Beyond auto-differentiation (opens in a new tab) from Google AI using trust region and quadratic approximations.