Proba ML
5. Decision Theory
5.2 Choosing the Right Model

5.2 Choosing the right model

We can use Bayesian decision theory to choose the best model among candidates.

5.2.1 Bayesian hypothesis testing

We have two hypothesis: the null M0M_0 and the alternative M1M_1 and we want to know which one is more likely to be true: this is hypothesis testing.

If we use zero-one loss, the optimal decision is to pick H1H_1 when p(M1D)>p(M0D)p(M_1|\mathcal{D})>p(M_0|\mathcal{D}). With uniform prior, p(M1)=p(M0)=0.5p(M_1)=p(M_0)=0.5 and hence we pick M1M_1 when the Bayes factor is:


This is close to a likelihood ratio except we integrate out the parameters, so that we can compare models of different complexity, due to the Bayesian Occam’s razor effect.

The Bayes factor is the frequentist equivalent to p-values.

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Exemple: testing the fairness of a coin

The marginal likelihood under H0H_0 is simply:


And the marginal likelihood under H1H_1 by taking a Beta prior is:

p(DM1)=p(Dθ)p(θ)dθ=B(a+N1,b+N0)B(a,b)p(\mathcal{D}|M_1)=\int p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)p(\theta)d\theta=\frac{B(a+N_1,b+N_0)}{B(a,b)}

We prefer M0M_0 over M1M_1 when observing 2 or 3 heads. The figure below list all the possible draw (252^5) for 5 tosses.

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5.2.2 Model selection

We now have more than 2 models and need to pick the most likely. We can view model selection as decision theory problem, where the action space requires choosing a model mMm\in \mathcal{M}.

If we have a 0-1 loss, the optimal action is to pick the higher posterior over models:

m^=arg maxmMp(mD)\hat{m}=\argmax_{m\in\mathcal{M}} p(m|\mathcal{D})

With a uniform prior, p(m)=1/Mp(m)=1/|\mathcal{M}|, then the MAP is given by:

m^=arg maxmMp(Dm)\hat{m}=\argmax_{m\in\mathcal{M}} p(\mathcal{D}|m)

with the marginal likelihood:

p(Dm)=p(Dθ,m)p(θm)dθp(\mathcal{D}|m)=\int p(\mathcal{D}|\theta,m)p(\theta|m)d\theta

If all settings of θ\theta assign a high probability to the data, mm is probably a good model.

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We use a uniform prior over models and use empirical Bayes to estimate the prior over the regression weights. We then compute the evidence for each model. With N=5N=5, there is not enough data to choose a more complex model than degree of 1.

5.2.3 Occam’s razor

Consider two models: a simpler one m1m_1 and a more complex one m2m_2. If both can explain the data equally well, ie p(Dθ1,m1)p(Dθ2,m2)p(\mathcal{D}|\theta_1,m_1)\approx p(\mathcal{D}|\theta_2,m_2), then we should choose the simpler one.

This is because the complex model will put less prior probability on the “good parameters” that explain the data, since the prior must integrate to 1 over the feature space.

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The figure present the predictions (marginal likelihood) of 3 models on increasingly more “complex“ datasets (D0D_0 is the observed dataset, on which M2M_2 is optimal).

5.2.4 Connection between cross validation and marginal likelihood

Marginal likelihood helps us choose models of the right complexity. In non-Bayesian approaches, it is standard to select model via cross validation.

The marginal likelihood can be written:

p(Dm)=n=1Np(ynyn1,x1:N,m)=n=1Np(ynxn,D1:n1,m)p(\mathcal{D}|m)=\prod_{n=1}^Np(y_n|y_{n-1},x_{1:N},m)=\prod_{n=1}^N p(y_n|x_n,\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1},m)

and by using the plugin approximation:

p(yx,D1:n1,m)=p(yx,θ)p(θD1:n1,m)dθp(yx,θ)δ(θθ^m(D1:n1))dθ=p(yx,θ^m(D1:n1))\begin{align} p(y|x,\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1},m)&=\int p(y|x,\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1},m)d\theta \\ &\approx \int p(y|x,\theta)\delta(\theta-\hat{\theta}_m(\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1}))d\theta \\ &= p(y|x,\hat{\theta}_m(\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1})) \end{align}


logp(Dm)n=1Nlogp(ynxn,θ^m(D1:n1))\log p(\mathcal{D}|m)\approx\sum_{n=1}^N \log p(y_n|x_n,\hat{\theta}_m({\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1}}))

This is similar to the leave-one-out cross validation (LOO-CV) which has the form:

logp(Dm)n=1Nlogp(ynxn,θ^m(D1:n1,n+1:N))\log p(\mathcal{D}|m)\approx\sum_{n=1}^N \log p(y_n|x_n,\hat{\theta}_m({\mathcal{D}_{1:n-1,n+1:N}}))

except the marginal likelihood ignores the Dn+1:N\mathcal{D}_{n+1:N} part.

Overly complex models will overfit the early data examples and will predict the remaining poorly, leading to a low CV score.

5.2.5 Information criteria

The marginal likelihood p(Dm)=p(Dθ)p(θm)dθp(\mathcal{D}|m) = \int p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)p(\theta|m)d\theta can be difficult to obtain since it requires integrating over the entire parameter space.

We introduce alternative information criterias Bayesian information criterion (BIC)

BIC can be considered as a simple approximation to the marginal likelihood. If we make a Gaussian approximation to the posterior and use the quadratic approximation from section

logp(Dm)logp(Dθ^map)+logp(θ^map)12logH\log p(\mathcal{D}|m)\approx\log p(\mathcal{D}|\hat{\theta}_{map})+\log p(\hat{\theta}_{map})-\frac{1}{2}\log |\bold{H}|

where H\bold{H} is the hessian of the negative log joint logp(D,θ)\log p(\mathcal{D},\theta) evaluated in θ^map\hat{\theta}_{map}. The hessian is called the Occam factor since it measures the model complexity.


H=i=1NHi=i=1Nlogp(Di,θ)\bold{H}=\sum_{i=1}^N \bold{H}_i = \sum_{i=1}^N \nabla \nabla \log p(\mathcal{D_i},\theta)

Let’s approximate each Hi\bold{H}_i by a constant H^\hat{\bold{H}}:

logH=logNH^=logNDH^=DlogN+logH^\log |\bold{H}|=\log |N\hat{\bold{H}}|= \log N^D|\bold{\hat{H}}|=D\log N +\log |\hat{\bold{H}}|

Where D=dim(θ)D=\dim(\theta). We can drop the last term, constant in NN.

With a uniform prior, p(θ)1p(\theta) \propto 1, we have the BIC score:

JBIC(m)=logp(Dm)logp(Dθ^,m)Dm2logNJ_{\mathrm{BIC}}(m)=\log p(\mathcal{D}|m) \approx \log p(\mathcal{D}|\hat{\theta},m) - \frac{D_m}{2} \log N

Then the BIC loss is

LBIC(m)=2JBIC(m)=2logp(Dθ^,m)+DmlogN\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{BIC}}(m)=-2 J_{\mathrm{BIC}}(m)=-2\log p(\mathcal{D}|\hat{\theta},m)+D_m \log N Akaike information criterion (AIC)

It has the form:

LAIC(m)=2logp(Dθ^,m)+2D\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{AIC}}(m)=-2 \log p(\mathcal{D}|\hat{\theta},m) + 2D

This penalizes less heavily than BIC since the penalty doesn’t depend on NN

5.2.6 Posterior inference over effect sizes and Bayesian significance testing

Bayesian hypothesis testing leverages the Bayes factor p(DH0)/p(DH1)p(\mathcal{D}|H_0)/p(\mathcal{D}|H_1) but computing the marginal likelihood is computationally difficult and the results can be sensitive to the choice of the prior.

We are often more interested in the effect size, e.g. when comparing the means of 2 models δ=μ1μ2\delta=\mu_1-\mu_2. The probability that the mean of m1m_1 is higher than mean of m2m_2 can be computed as p(δ>ϵD)p(\delta>\epsilon|\mathcal{D}) or p(δ>ϵD)p(|\delta|>\epsilon|\mathcal{D}), with ϵ\epsilon the minimum magnitude effect (one-sided or two-sided t-test).

More generally, R=[ϵ,ϵ]R=[-\epsilon,\epsilon] represents the region of practical equivalence (ROPE). We can define 3 events of interest:

  • The null hypothesis H0H_0, when δR\delta \in R (which is more realistic than δ=0\delta =0)
  • HAH_A: δ>ϵ\delta > \epsilon, m1m_1 is better than m2m_2
  • HBH_B: δ<ϵ\delta < -\epsilon, the opposite

To choose among these hypothesis, we have to estimate p(δD)p(\delta|\mathcal{D}), which avoids computing the Bayes factor.

Bayesian t-test for difference in means

Let emie^i_m be the error of method mm on sample ii. Since the samples are common across datasets, we use paired test, that better compare methods than average performances.

Let di=e1ie2id_i=e^i_1-e^i_2, we assume diN(δ,σ2)d_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\delta,\sigma^2) and our goal is to estimate p(δd)p(\delta|\bold{d}) with d=(d1,...,dn)\bold{d}=(d_1,...,d_n).

If we use a non-informative prior, one can show that the posterior marginal for the mean is given by the student distribution:

p(δd)=T(δμ,s2/N)p(\delta|\bold{d})=\mathcal{T}(\delta|\mu, s^2/N)

with the sample mean μ=1Ni=1Ndi\mu = \frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}d_i and an unbiased estimate of the variance s2=1N1i=1N(μdi)2s^2= \frac{1}{N-1}\sum^N_{i=1}(\mu - d_i)^2.

Therefore we can easily compute p(δ>ϵd)p(|\delta|>\epsilon|\bold{d}) with a ROPE of ϵ=0.01\epsilon=0.01

Bayesian χ2\chi^2-test for differences in rates

Let ymy_m be the number of correct sample for method mm over a total of NmN_m trial, so the accuracy is ym/Nmy_m/N_m.

We assume ymBin(Nm,θm)y_m \sim \mathrm{Bin}(N_m,\theta_m), and we are interested in p(δD)p(\delta|\mathcal{D}) with δ=θ1θ2\delta=\theta_1-\theta_2 and D=(N1,y1,N2,y2)\mathcal{D}=(N_1,y_1,N_2,y_2).

If we use a uniform prior: p(θm)=Beta(θm1,1)p(\theta_m)=\mathrm{Beta}(\theta_m|1,1), our posterior is:

p(θ1,θ2D)=Beta(θ1y1+1,N1y1+1)Beta(θ2y2+1,N2y2+1)p(\theta_1,\theta_2|\mathcal{D})=\mathrm{Beta}(\theta_1|y_1+1,N_1-y_1+1) \mathrm{Beta}(\theta_2|y_2+1,N_2-y_2+1)

The posterior for δ\delta is given by:

p(δD)=01Beta(θ1y1+1,N1y1+1)Beta(θ1δy2+1,N2y2+1)dθ1p(\delta|\mathcal{D}) = \int^1_0 \mathrm{Beta}(\theta_1|y_1+1,N_1-y_1+1)\mathrm{Beta}(\theta_1-\delta|y_2+1,N_2-y_2+1)d\theta_1

We can compute it for any δ\delta:

p(δ>ϵD)=ϵ+p(δD)dδp(\delta>\epsilon|\mathcal{D})=\int^{+\infin}_{\epsilon} p(\delta|\mathcal{D}) d\delta

This can be computed using 1-dimensional numerical integration or analytically.

Note that data is often summarized in a contingency table:

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