Proba ML
23. Graph Embeddings
23.5 Deep Graph Embeddings

23.5 Deep Graph Embeddings

We now focus on graph in unsupervised and semi-supervised settings.

23.5.1 Unsupervised graph embeddings

Screen Shot 2023-12-08 at 08.15.06.png Structural deep network embedding (SDNE)

SDNE method uses auto-encoders preserving first and second order node proximity.

It takes a row of the adjacency matrix WW as input and produces node embeddings Z=ENC(W;ΘE)Z=\mathrm{ENC}(W;\Theta^E). Note that this ignores node features XX.

The SDNE decoder returns W^=DEC(Z;ΘD)\hat{W}=\mathrm{DEC}(Z;\Theta^D), a reconstruction trained to recover the original graph adjacency matrix.

SDNE preserves second order proximity by minimizing the loss:


The first term is similar to matrix factorization techniques, except W^\hat{W} is not computed using outer product. The second term is used by distance based shallow embedding methods. (Variational) graph auto-encoders (GAE)

GAE use graph convolutions to learn node embeddings Z=GCN(W,X;ΘE)Z=\mathrm{GCN}(W,X;\Theta^E).

The decoder is an outer product W^=DEC(Z;ΘD)=ZZ\hat{W}=\mathrm{DEC}(Z;\Theta^D)=ZZ^\top

The graph reconstruction term is the sigmoid cross entropy between the true adjacency and the predicted edges similarity scores:

LG,RECON(W,W^;Θ)=ij[Wijlogσ(W^ij)+(1Wij)log(1σ(W^ij))]\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{G,RECON}}(W,\hat{W};\Theta)=-\sum_{ij} \big[W_{ij}\log \sigma(\hat{W}_{ij})+(1-W_{ij})\log (1-\sigma(\hat{W}_{ij}))\big]

To avoid computing the regularization term over all possible nodes pairs, GAE uses negative sampling.

Whereas GAE is a deterministic model, the author also introduced variational graph auto-encoders (VGAE).

The embedding ZZ is modeled as a latent variable with a standard multivariate prior p(Z)=N(Z0,I)p(Z)=\mathcal{N}(Z|\bold{0},I) and a graph convolution is used as the amortized inference network qΦ(ZW,X)q_\Phi(Z|W,X).

The model is training by minimizing the corresponding negative ELBO:

NELBO=EqΦ(ZW,X)[logp(WZ)]+KL(qΦ(ZW,X)p(Z))=LG,RECON(W,W^;Θ)+KL(qΦ(ZW,X)p(Z))\begin{align} \mathrm{NELBO} &= -\mathbb{E}_{q_\Phi(Z|W,X)}[\log p(W|Z)]+\mathrm{KL}(q_\Phi(Z|W,X)||p(Z)) \\ &= \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{G,RECON}}(W,\hat{W};\Theta)+\mathrm{KL}(q_\Phi(Z|W,X)||p(Z)) \end{align} Iterative generative modeling of graphs (Graphite)

The graphite model extends GAE and VGAE by introducing a more complex decoder, which iterate between pairwise decoding functions and graph convolutions:

W^(k)=Z(k)Z(k)Z(k)22+11NZ(k+1)=GCN(W^(k),Z(k))\begin{align} \hat{W}^{(k)} &=\frac{Z^{(k)}{Z^{(k)}}^\top}{||Z^{(k)}||^2_2}+\frac{11^\top}{N} \\ Z^{(k+1)} &=\mathrm{GCN}(\hat{W}^{(k)},Z^{(k)}) \end{align}

where Z(0)Z^{(0)} is the input of the encoder.

This process allows Graphite to learn more expressive decoders. Finally, similar to GAE, graphite can be deterministic or variational. Methods based on contrastive loss

The deep graph infomax (DGI) method is a GAN-like method for creating graph-level embeddings.

Given one or more real (positive) graphs, each with its adjacency matrix WRN×NW\in \R^{N\times N} and nodes features XRN×DX\in \R^{N\times D}, this method creates fake (negative) adjacency matrices WRN×NW^{-}\in \R^{N^-\times N^-} and their features XRN×DX^- \in \R^{N^-\times D}.

DGI trains:

i) an encoder that processes both real and fake samples, giving:

Z=ENC(X,W;ΘE)RN×LZ=ENC(X,W;ΘE)RN×L\begin{align} Z &= \mathrm{ENC}(X,W;\Theta^E)\in \R^{N\times L} \\ Z^- &= \mathrm{ENC}(X^-,W^-;\Theta^E)\in \R^{N^-\times L} \end{align}

ii) A (readout) graph pooling function R:RN×LRL\mathcal{R}:\R^{N\times L}\rightarrow \R^L

iii) A discriminator function D:RL×RL[0,1]\mathcal{D}:\R^L \times \R^L \rightarrow [0,1] which is trained to output

D(Zi,R(Z))1D(Zj,R(Z))0\begin{align} \mathcal{D}(Z_i,\mathcal{R}(Z)) &\approx 1 \\ \mathcal{D}(Z_j^-,\mathcal{R}(Z^-)) &\approx 0 \end{align}

for nodes corresponding to given graph iVi\in V and fake graph jVj\in V^{-}.

The loss is:

minΘEX,Wi=1NlogD(Zi,R(Z))EX,Wj=1Nlog(1D(Zj,R(Z)))\min_\Theta -\mathbb{E}_{X,W}\sum_{i=1}^N \log \mathcal{D}(Z_i,\mathcal{R}(Z))-\mathbb{E}_{X^-,W^-}\sum_{j=1}^{N^-}\log (1-\mathcal{D}(Z_j^-,\mathcal{R}(Z^-)))

where Θ\Theta contains ΘE\Theta^E and the parameter of R\mathcal{R} and D\mathcal{D}.

In the first expectation, DGI samples from the real graphs. If only one graph is given, it could sample some subgraphs from it (connected components).

The second expectation sample fake graphs. In DGI, fake graphs use the real adjacency matrix W=WW^-=W but fakes features XX^{-} are row-wise random permutation of the real XX.

The encoder used in DGI is a GCN, though any GNN can be used.

The readout R\mathcal{R} summarizes an entire (variable size) graph to a single (fixed-dimension) vector. DGI uses a row-wise mean, though other graph pooling might be used, e.g. ones aware of the adjacency.

The optimization of the loss maximize a lower-bound on the mutual information between the outputs of the encoder and the graph pooling function, i.e. between individual node representation and the graph representation.

Graphical Mutual Information (GMI) is a variant that maximizes the MI between the representation of a node and its neighbors, rather than the maximizing the MO of node information and the entire graph.

23.5.2 Semi-supervised graph embeddings

We now discuss semi-supervised losses for GNNs. We consider the simple special case in which we use a nonlinear encoder of the node features XX, but ignores the graph structure WW:

Z=ENC(X;ΘE)Z=\mathrm{ENC}(X;\Theta^E) SemiEmb

Semi-supervised embeddings (SemiEmb) use an MLP for the encoder of XX. For the decoder, we can use a distance-based graph decoder:


where we can use the L1 or L2 norm.

SemiEmb regularizes intermediate layers in the network using the same regularizer as the label propagation loss:

LG,RECON(W,W^,Θ)=i,jWijyiNy^jN22\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{G,RECON}}(W,\hat{W},\Theta)=\sum_{i,j}W_{ij}||y_i^N-\hat{y}_j^N||^2_2 Planetoid

Unsupervised skip-gram methods like DeepWalk and node2vec learn embeddings in a multi-step pipeline, where random walks are first generated from the graph and then used to learn embeddings.

These embeddings are likely not optimal for downstream classification tasks. The Planetoid method extends such random walk methods to leverage node label information during the embedding.

Planetoid first maps nodes to embeddings using a neural net (again ignoring graph structure):


The node embeddings ZcZ^c capture structural information while the node embeddings ZFZ^F capture feature information.

There are two variant of encoding for ZcZ^c:

  • A transductive version that directly learn ZcZ^c as an embedding lookup
  • An inductive model where ZcZ^c is computed with parametric mappings that act on input features XX

The planetoid objective contains both a supervised loss and a graph regularization loss. This latter term measures the ability to predict context using nodes embeddings:

LG,RECON(W,W^;Θ)=E(i,j,γ)logσ(γW^ij)\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{G,RECON}}(W,\hat{W};\Theta)=-\mathbb{E}_{(i,j,\gamma)}\log \sigma(\gamma \hat{W}_{ij})

with W^ij=ZiZj\hat{W}_{ij}=Z^\top_iZ_j and γ{1,1}\gamma\in\{-1,1\}, with γ=1\gamma=1 if (vi,vj)E(v_i,v_j)\in E is a positive pair and γ=1\gamma=-1 if (vi,vj)(v_i,v_j) is a negative pair.

The distribution under the expectation is defined through a sampling process.

The supervised loss in Planetoid is the NLL of predicting the correct labels:

LSUPL(yN,y^N;Θ)=1VLiviVL1kCyikNlogy^ikN\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{SUP}}^L(y^N,\hat{y}^N;\Theta)=-\frac{1}{|V_L|}\sum_{i|v_i\in V_L}\sum_{1\leq k\leq C}y_{ik}^N \log \hat{y}_{ik}^N

where ii is a node’s index, and y^iN\hat{y}_i^N are computed using a neural net followed by a softmax activation, mapping ZiZ_i to predicted labels.