Proba ML
20. Dimensionality Reduction
20.2 Factor Analysis

20.2 Factor analysis

PCA is a simple form of linear low-dimensional representation of the data.

Factor analysis is a generalization of PCA based on probabilistic model, so that we can treat it as building block for more complex models such as mixture of FA models or nonlinear FA models.

20.2.1 Generative model

Factor analysis is a linear-Gaussian latent variable generative model:

p(z)=N(zμ0,Σ0)p(xz,θ)=N(xWz+μΨ)\begin{align} p(\bold{z}) &=\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\mu_0,\Sigma_0)\\ p(\bold{x}|\bold{z},\theta)&=\mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|W\bold{z}+\mu|\Psi) \end{align}

where WRD×LW\in\R^{D\times L} is known as the factor loading matrix and ΨRD×D\Psi\in\R^{D\times D} is the covariance matrix.

FA can be thought as a low-rank version of a Gaussian distribution. To see this, note that the following induced marginal distribution is Gaussian:

p(xθ)=p(xz,θ)p(z)dz=N(xWz+μ,Ψ)N(zμ0,Σ0)dz=N(xWμ0+μ,Ψ+WΣ0W)\begin{align} p(\bold{x}|\theta)&=\int p(\bold{x}|\bold{z},\theta)p(\bold{z})d\bold{z} \\ &= \int \mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|W\bold{z}+\mu,\Psi)\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\mu_0,\Sigma_0)d\bold{z} \\ &=\mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|W\mu_0+\mu,\Psi + W \Sigma_0W^\top) \end{align}

Without loss of generality, we set μ0=0\mu_0=\bold{0} and Σ0=I\Sigma_0=I.

We get:

p(z)=N(z0,I)p(xz)=N(xWz+μ,Ψ)p(x)=N(xμ,Ψ+WW)\begin{align} p(\bold{z})&=\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\bold{0},I)\\ p(\bold{x}|\bold{z})&=\mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|W\bold{z}+\mu,\Psi)\\ p(\bold{x})&= \mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|\mu,\Psi+WW^\top) \end{align}

Suppose we use L=1L=1 and D=2D=2 and Ψ=σ2I\Psi=\sigma^2I.

We can see it as taking an isotropic Gaussian “spray can” representing the likelihood p(xz)p(\bold{x|z}), and sliding it along the 1d line defined by zw+μz\bold{w}+\mu as we vary the 1d latent prior p(z)p(z).

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In general, FA approximates the low rank decomposition of the visible covariance matrix:

C=Cov[x]=WW+ΨC=\mathrm{Cov}[\bold{x}]=WW^\top +\Psi

This only uses O(LD)O(LD) parameters, which allows a flexible compromise between a full covariance Gaussian with O(D2)O(D^2) parameters, and a diagonal covariance with O(D)O(D) parameters.

From this equation, we see that we should restrict Ψ\Psi to be diagonal, otherwise we could set W=0W=\bold{0}, ignoring latent factors while still being able to model any covariance.

The marginal variance of each visible variable is:

V[xd]=k=1Lwdk2+ψd\mathbb{V}[x_d]=\sum_{k=1}^L w_{dk}^2+\psi_d

where the first term is the variance due to the common factors, and the uniqueness ψd\psi_d is the variance specific to that dimension.

We can estimate the parameters of a FA using EM. Once we have fit the model, we can compute probabilistic latent embeddings using p(zx)p(\bold{z}|\bold{x}).

Using Bayes rule for Gaussians, we have:

p(zx)=N(zWC1(yμ),IWC1W)p(\bold{z}|\bold{x})=\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|W^\top C^{-1}(\bold{y}-\mu),I-W^\top C^{-1}W)

20.2.2 Probabilistic PCA

We consider a special case when of the factor analysis in which WW has orthonormal columns, Ψ=σ2I\Psi=\sigma^2I \Psi=\sigma^2I$$\mu=\bold{0}. This is called probabilistic PCA or sensible PCA.

The marginal distribution on the visible variables has the form:

p(xθ)=N(xμ,σ2I)N(z0,I)dz=N(xμ,C)p(\bold{x}|\theta)=\int \mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|\mu,\sigma^2I)\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\bold{0},I)d\bold{z}=\mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|\mu ,C)



The log likelihood is:

logp(xW,μ,σ2)=N2[Dlog2π+logC]12n=1N(xnμ)C1(xnμ)=N2[Dlog2π+logC+tr(C1S)]\begin{align} \log p(\bold{x}|W,\mu,\sigma^2)&=-\frac{N}{2}[D\log 2\pi+\log|C|]-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^N(\bold{x}_n-\mu)^\top C^{-1}(\bold{x}_n-\mu) \\ &= -\frac{N}{2}[D\log 2\pi+\log |C|+\mathrm{tr}(C^{-1}S)] \end{align}

where we plugged xˉ\bar{\bold{x}}, the MLE of μ\mu, and used the trace trick on the empirical covariance matrix S=1Nn(xnxˉ)(xnxˉ)S=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n}(\bold{x}_n-\bar{\bold{x}})(\bold{x}_n-\bar{\bold{x}})^\top

It has been shown that the maximum of this objective must satisfy:


where ULRD×LU_L\in\R^{D\times L} are the eigenvectors associated to the LL largest eigenvalues of SS, and LLRL×LL_L\in \R^{L\times L} is the diagonal eigenvalues matrix.

In the noise free limit, where σ2=0\sigma^2=0, we get:

Wmle=ULLL1/2W_{\mathrm{mle}}=U_L L_L^{1/2}

which is proportional to the PCA solution.

The MLE for the observation variance is:

σ2=1DLi=L+1Dλi\sigma^2=\frac{1}{D-L}\sum_{i=L+1}^D \lambda_i

which is the average distortion associated with the discarded dimensions.

20.2.4 Unidentifiability of the parameters

The parameters of a FA model are unidentifiable. To see this, consider a model with weight W~=WR\tilde{W}=WR, where RR is an arbitrary orthogonal rotation matrix, satisfying RR=IRR^\top =I.

This has the same likelihood as model with weight WW, since:

Cov[x]=W~E[zz]W~+E[xx]=WRRW+Ψ=WW+Ψ\begin{align} \mathrm{Cov}[\bold{x}]&= \tilde{W}\mathbb{E}[\bold{z}\bold{z}^\top]\tilde{W}^\top+\mathbb{E}[\bold{x}\bold{x}^\top]\\ &= WRR^\top W^\top +\Psi \\ &=WW^\top +\Psi \end{align}

Geometrically, multiplying z\bold{z} by an orthogonal matrix is like rotating z\bold{z} before generating x\bold{x}; but since z\bold{z} is drawn from an anisotropic Gaussian distribution, it makes no difference on the likelihood.

Consequently, we can’t uniquely identify WW and the latent factors either.

To break this symmetry, several solutions have been proposed:

  • Forcing WW to have orthonormal columns. This is the approach adopted by PCA.
  • Forcing WW to be lower triangular.
  • Sparsity promoting priors on the weight, by using 1\ell_1 regularization on WW.
  • Non gaussian prior p(z)p(\bold{z}).

20.2.5 Nonlinear factor analysis

The FA model assumes the observed data can be modeled with a linear mapping from a low-dimensional set of Gaussian factors.

One way to relax such assumption is to let the mapping from z\bold{z} to x\bold{x} be a nonlinear model, such as a neural network. The model becomes:

p(xθ)=N(xf(z;θ),Ψ)N(z0,I)dzp(\bold{x}|\theta)=\int \mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|f(\bold{z};\theta),\Psi)\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\bold{0},I)d\bold{z}

This is called nonlinear factor analysis.

Unfortunately, we can’t compute the posterior or MLE exactly. Variational autoencoders is the most common way to approximate nonlinear FA model.

20.2.6 Mixture of factor analysers

One other way to relax the assumption made by FA is assuming the model is only locally linear, so the overall model becomes a weighted combination of FA models. This is called a mixture of FA (MFA).

The overall model for the data is a mixture of linear manifolds, which can be used to approximate the overall curved manifold.

Let cn{1,,K}c_n\in\{1,\dots,K\} be the latent indicator which specify which subspace we should use to generate the data.

If cn=kc_n=k, we sample zn\bold{z}_n from a Gaussian prior and pass it through the WkW_k matrix and add noise.

p(zθ)=N(z0,I)p(cnθ)=Cat(cnπ)p(xnzn,cn=k,θ)=N(xnWkzn+μk,Ψk)\begin{align} p(\bold{z}|\theta)&=\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\bold{0},I)\\ p(c_n|\theta)&= \mathrm{Cat}(c_n|\pi) \\ p(\bold{x}_n|\bold{z}_n,c_n=k,\theta)&=\mathcal{N}(\bold{x}_n|W_k\bold{z}_n+\mu_k,\Psi_k) \end{align}

The distribution in the visible space is:

p(xθ)=kp(c=k)p(xz,c)p(zc)dz=kπkN(xWkz,σ2I)N(zμk,I)dz\begin{align} p(\bold{x}|\theta)&=\sum_k p(c=k)\int p(\bold{x}|\bold{z},c)p(\bold{z}|c)d\bold{z} \\ &= \sum_k \pi_k \int \mathcal{N}(\bold{x}|W_k\bold{z,}\sigma^2I)\mathcal{N}(\bold{z}|\mu_k,I)d\bold{z} \end{align}

In the special case of Ψ=σ2I\Psi=\sigma^2I we get a mixture of PPCA (although it is diffucilt to ensure orthogonality of the WkW_k in this case).

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