Proba ML
23. Graph Embeddings
23.2 Graph Embedding as an Encoder-Decoder Problem

23.2 Graph Embedding as an Encoder / Decoder Problem

Many approaches to GRL follow a similar pattern:

  1. The network input (node features XRN×DX\in \R^{N\times D} and graph edges ARN×NA\in\R^{N\times N}) is encoded from the discrete domain of the graph to embeddings ZRN×LZ\in\R^{N\times L}
  2. The learned representation is used to optimize an objective (e.g., reconstructing the edges of the graph)

In this section, we will use the graph encoder-decoder model (GraphEDM) to analyze popular families of GRL methods, supervised and unsupervised. Some utilizes the graph as a regularizer, positional embeddings, or graph convolutions.

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GraphEDM takes as input a weighted graph WRN×NW\in\R^{N\times N} and optionally XX.

In (semi-)supervised settings, we assume that we have training target labels for nodes NN, edges EE or the entire graph GG. We denote the supervision signal S{N,E,G}S\in\{N,E,G\}.

We can decompose GraphEDM into multiple components:

GraphEncoder network

Z=ENC(W,X;ΘE) Z=\mathrm{ENC}(W,X;\Theta^E)

This might capture different graph properties depending on the supervision task.

GraphDecoder network


This compute similarity scores for all nodes pairs in matrix W^RN×N\hat{W}\in\R^{N\times N}.

Classification network

y^S=DEC(Z;ΘS)\hat{y}^S = \mathrm{DEC}(Z;\Theta^S)

where y^SRN×Y\hat{y}^S\in \R^{N\times |\mathcal{Y}|} and Y\mathcal{Y} is the label space.

This network is used in (semi-)supervised settings output a distribution over the labels.

Specific choices of the encoder and decoder networks allow GraphEDM to perform specific graph embedding methods, as we will explain.

The output of GraphEDM is either a reconstructed graph similarity matrix W^\hat{W} (often used to train unsupervised embedding algorithms) and/or labels y^S\hat{y}^S for supervised applications.

The label output is task dependent, and can be node-level like y^NYN\hat{y}^N\in \mathcal{Y}^{N}, with Y\mathcal{Y} representing the node label space.

Alternatively, for edge-level labeling, y^EYN×N\hat{y}^E\in \mathcal{Y}^{N\times N}, with Y\mathcal{Y} representing the edge-level label space.

Finally, we note other kinds of labeling are possible, like graph labeling y^GY\hat{y}^G\in\mathcal{Y}, with Y\mathcal{Y} representing the graph label space.

A loss must be specified to optimize Θ={ΘE,ΘS,ΘG}\Theta=\{\Theta^E,\Theta^S,\Theta^G\}. GraphEDM models can be optimized using a combination of three different terms:

L=αLSUPS(yS,y^S;Θ)+βLG,RECON(W,W^;Θ)+γLREG(Θ)\mathcal{L}=\alpha\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{SUP}}^S(y^S,\hat{y}^S;\Theta)+\beta \mathcal{L}_{G,\mathrm{RECON}}(W,\hat{W};\Theta)+\gamma \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{REG}(\Theta)

where α,β,γ\alpha,\beta,\gamma are hyper-parameters than can be tuned or set to zero, and:

  • LSUPS\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{SUP}}^S is a supervised loss term
  • LG,RECON\mathcal{L}_{G,\mathrm{RECON}} is a graph reconstruction loss term, leveraging the graph structure to impose regularization constraints on the model parameters
  • LREG\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{REG}} is a weight regularization loss, allowing to represent priors on trainable model parameters to limit overfitting.