Proba ML
15. Neural Networks for Sequences
15.2 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

15.2 Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

A RNN is a model mapping a sequence of inputs to a sequence of outputs in a stateful way.

The prediction yt\bold{y}_t depends on the input xt\bold{x}_t but also on the hidden state of the model ht\bold{h}_t that gets updated over time, as the sequence is processed.

We can use these models for sequence generation, sequence classification and sequence translation.

See this intro to RNNs by Karpathy (opens in a new tab).

15.2.1 Veq2Sec (sequence generation)

We now discuss how to learn functions of the form fθ:RDRNCf_\theta : \mathbb{R}^D\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N_\infin C}, were DD is the size of the input vector, and NN_\infin is an arbitrary-length sequence of vectors, each of size CC.

The output sequence y1:T\bold{y}_{1:T} is generated one token at the time. At each time step, we sample y~t\tilde{y}_t from the hidden state ht\bold{h}_t and then “feed it back in” in the model to get ht+1\bold{h}_{t+1} (which also depends on x\bold{x}).

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In this way, we define a conditional generative model of the form p(y1:Tx)p(\bold{y}_{1:T}|\bold{x}), which capture dependencies between output tokens. Models

The RNN corresponds to the following conditional generative model:

p(y1:Tx)=h1:Tp(y1:T,h1:Tx)=h1:Tt=1Tp(ytht)p(htht1,yt1,x)p(\bold{y}_{1:T}|\bold{x})=\sum_{\bold{h}_{1:T}} p(\bold{y}_{1:T},\bold{}\bold{h}_{1:T}|\bold{x})=\sum_{\bold{h}_{1:T}} \prod_{t=1}^T p(\bold{y}_t|\bold{h}_t)p(\bold{h}_{t}|\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{y}_{t-1},\bold{x})

where we define p(h1h0,y0,x)=p(h1x)p(\bold{h}_1|\bold{h}_0,\bold{y}_0,\bold{x})=p(\bold{h}_1|\bold{x}) as the initial hidden state distribution, often deterministic.

Also, remember that h1:T\bold{h}_{1:T} is a random variable from which we sample y~t\tilde{y}_t.

The output distribution is given by:

For categorical values:


For numerical values:


The hidden state is computed deterministically:

p(htht1,yt1,x)=I(ht=f(ht1,yt1,x))p(\bold{h}_t|\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{y}_{t-1},\bold{x})=\mathbb{I}(\bold{h}_t=f(\bold{h}_{t-1}, \bold{y}_{t-1},\bold{x}))



Therefore yt\bold{y}_t implictly depends on all past observations, as well the optional fix input x\bold{x}.

Thus an RNN overcomes the limitation of a standard Markov models, in that they can be unbounded in memory. This makes the RNN theoretically as powerful as a Turing machine.

In practice, the length of the memory is determined by the size of the latent state and the strength of the parameters.

When we generate from a RNN, we sample from y~tp(ytht)\tilde{\bold{y}}_t\sim p(\bold{y}_t|\bold{h}_t) and feed it to compute ht+1\bold{h}_{t+1} deterministically. The stochasticity only comes from this sampling. Applications

RNNs can be used to generate sequences unconditionally (x=)\bold{x}=\empty) or conditionally on x\bold{x}.

Unconditional sequence generation is also called language modeling and aims at learning the joint probability distribution over sequences of discrete tokens, i.e. models of the form p(y1,,yT)p(\bold{y}_1,\dots,\bold{y}_T)

The result on the simple RNN below are not very plausible, but we can create better models with more data, measuring their performances using perplexity.

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We can also make the generated sequence depends on some input vector x\bold{x}. In the example below, x\bold{x} is the embedding generated by a ConvNet on a image and the RNN is used to generate captions.

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See this Pytorch implementation (opens in a new tab) of the model above.

15.2.2 Seq2Vec (sequence classification)

We now predict fixed-length output with variable length sequences inputs. We learn a function of the form: fθ:RTDRCf_\theta :\mathbb{R}^{TD} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^C.

The simplest approach is to use the final state of the RNN as input to the classifier:

p(yx1:T)=Cat(yS(WhT))p(\bold{y}|\bold{x}_{1:T})=\mathrm{Cat}(\bold{y}|\mathcal{S}(W \bold{h}_T))

We often can get better results if we let the hidden states depends on future and past context.

We do so by using two RNNs: one recursively computing hidden states in the forward direction, and another one in the backward direction.

This is called bi-directional RNN. We have:

ht=φ(Wxhxt+Whhht1+bt)ht=φ(Wxhxt+Whhht+1+bt)\bold{h}\overrightarrow{_t} = \varphi(W\overrightarrow{_{xh}}\bold{x}_t + W\overrightarrow{_{hh}} \bold{h}\overrightarrow{_{t-1}}+\bold{b}\overrightarrow{_t}) \\ \bold{h}\overleftarrow{_t} = \varphi(W\overleftarrow{_{xh}}\bold{x}_t + W\overleftarrow{_{hh}} \bold{h}\overleftarrow{_{t+1}}+\bold{b}\overleftarrow{_t})

Then we define ht=[ht,ht]\bold{h}_t=[\bold{h}\overrightarrow{_t},\bold{h}\overleftarrow{_t}] to be the representation of the hidden states at time step tt, compounding past and future information.

Finally, we average pool over these hidden states to get the final classifier:

hˉ=1Tt=1Thtp(yx1:T)=Cat(yWS(hˉ))\begin{align} \bar{\bold{h}}&=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T \bold{h}_t \\ p(\bold{y}|\bold{x}_{1:T})&=\mathrm{Cat}(\bold{y}|W \mathcal{S}(\bar{\bold{h}})) \end{align}

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15.2.3 Seq2Seq (sequence translation)

In this section, we consider learning functions of the form fθ:RTDRTCf_\theta :\mathbb{R}^{TD} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{T'C}.

We consider two cases:

  1. T=TT=T', the input and output sequences have the same length (aligned)
  2. TTT\neq T' (unaligned)

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We can think of the aligned case as a dense sequence labeling where we predict one label per location.

This RNN corresponds to:

p(y1:Tx1:T)=h1:Tt=1Tp(ytht)I(ht=f(ht1,xt))p(\bold{y}_{1:T}|\bold{x}_{1:T})=\sum_{\bold{h}_{1:T}} \prod_{t=1}^T p(\bold{y}_t|\bold{h}_t)\mathbb{I}(\bold{h}_t=f(\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{x}_t))

where h1=f(h0,x1)=f0(x1)\bold{h}_1=f(\bold{h}_0,\bold{x}_1)=f_0(\bold{x}_1) is the initial state.

We can get better results by letting the decoder looks into the past and future of x\bold{x}, by using a bi-directional RNN.

We can create more expressive models by stacking multiple hidden chains on top of each other.

This corresponds to:

htl=φ(Wxhlhtl1+Whhlht1l+bhl)\bold{h}^l_t=\varphi(W^l_{xh}\bold{h}^{l-1}_{t} + W_{hh}^l \bold{h}_{t-1}^l+ \bold{b}_h^l)

The output is given by:

ot=WhohtL+bo\bold{o}_t=W_{ho} \bold{h}_{t}^L+\bold{b}_o

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We learn a mapping from one sequence of length TT to another of length TT'.

We use an encoder to learn embeddings c=fe(x1:T)\bold{c}=f_e(\bold{x}_{1:T}) using the last hidden state (or average pooling over time steps for biRNN).

We then generate a sequence using a decoder y1:T=fd(c)\bold{y}_{1:T}=f_d(\bold{c})

This is the encoder-decoder architecture.

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Neural machine translation is an important application (as opposed to the older approach called statistical machine translation).

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15.2.4 Teacher forcing

When training a language model, the likelihood of a sequence of words w1,,wTw_1,\dots,w_T is given by:

p(w1:T)=t=1Tp(wtw1:t1)p(\bold{w}_{1:T})=\prod_{t=1}^T p(w_t|\bold{w}_{1:t-1})

In an RNN, we set the output yt=wty_t =w_t and the input xt=wt1x_t =w_{t-1}.

Note that we condition on the ground truth from the past w1:t1w_{1:t-1}, not the labels generated by the model.

This is called teacher forcing since the teacher’s values are forced fed into the model at each time step (i.e. xtx_t is set to wt1w_{t-1}).

An issue of teacher forcing is that the model is only trained on correct inputs, so during testing it may not know what to do if it encounter an input sequence w1:t1\bold{w}_{1:t-1} generated from the previous steps that deviate from what it saw during training.

The common solution is to use scheduled sampling (opens in a new tab). It starts with teacher forcing, then at some random time steps, feeds in samples from the model instead. The fraction this happens increases gradually.

An alternative solution is using models where MLE works better (1d CNN or Transformers).

15.2.5 Backpropagation through time

We compute the MLE of the RNN by solving:

θ^=arg maxθp(y1:Tx1:T,θ)\hat{\theta}=\argmax_\theta p(\bold{y}_{1:T}|\bold{x}_{1:T},\theta)

To compute the MLE, we have to compute gradients of the loss w.r.t parameters. To do this, we unroll the computational graph, and then apply the backpropagation algorithm.

We compute the following model:

ht=Whxxt+Whhht1ot=Whoht\begin{align} \bold{h}_t&=W_{hx}\bold{x}_t+W_{hh} \bold{h}_{t-1}\\ \bold{o}_t &= W_{ho} \bold{h}_t \end{align}

where ot\bold{o}_t are the output logits and we dropped the bias term for notational simplicity.

We assume yty_t are the true target labels at time step tt, and define the loss as:

L=1Tt=1T(yt,ot)L=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T \ell(y_t,\bold{o}_t)

We need to compute the derivative: LWhx,LWhh,LWho\frac{\partial L}{\partial W_{hx}},\frac{\partial L}{\partial W_{hh}},\frac{\partial L}{\partial W_{ho}}. The latter term is easy, since it is local to each time step.

However, the first two terms depend on the hidden state, thus require to work backwards in time.

We simplify the notation by defining:

ht=f(ht1,xt,wh)ot=g(ht,wo)\begin{align} \bold{h}_t&=f(\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{x}_t,\bold{w}_h) \\ \bold{o}_t&=g(\bold{h}_t,\bold{w}_o) \end{align}

where wh\bold{w}_h is the flattened version of the weights WxhW_{xh} and WhhW_{hh} stacked together.

We focus on computing Lwh\frac{\partial L}{\partial \bold{w}_h}, by chain rule we have:

Lwh=1Tt=1T(ot,yt)wh=1Tt=1T(ot,yt)otg(ht,wo)hthtwh\begin{align} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \bold{w}_h}&= \frac{1}{T}\sum^T_{t=1} \frac{\partial \ell(\bold{o}_t,y_t)}{\bold{w}_h}\\&=\frac{1}{T}\sum^T_{t=1} \frac{\partial \ell(\bold{o}_t,y_t)}{\bold{o}_t}\frac{\partial g(\bold{h}_t,\bold{w}_o)}{\bold{h}_t}\frac{\partial \bold{h}_t}{\bold{w}_{h}} \end{align}

we expand the last terms as follow:

htwh=f(ht1,xt,wh)wh+f(ht1,xt,wh)ht1ht1wh\frac{\partial \bold{h}_t}{\partial \bold{w}_h}=\frac{\partial f(\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{x}_t,\bold{w}_h)}{\partial \bold{w}_h}+\frac{\partial f(\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{x}_t,\bold{w}_h)}{\partial \bold{h}_{t-1}}\frac{\partial \bold{h}_{t-1}}{\partial \bold{w}_h}

If we expand it recursively, we get the following:

htwh=f(ht1,xt,wh)wh+i=1t1f(hi1,xi,wh)whj=i+1tf(hj1,xj,wh)hj1\frac{\partial \bold{h}_t}{\partial \bold{w}_h}= \frac{\partial f(\bold{h}_{t-1},\bold{x}_t,\bold{w}_h)}{\partial \bold{w}_h} + \sum_{i=1}^{t-1} \frac{\partial f(\bold{h}_{i-1},\bold{x}_i,\bold{w}_h)}{\partial \bold{w}_h} \prod_{j=i+1}^{t} \frac{\partial f(\bold{h}_{j-1},\bold{x}_j,\bold{w}_h)}{\partial \bold{h}_{j-1}}

However, this is takes O(T2)O(T^2) to compute overall.

It is standard to truncate the sum to the most recent KK terms. It is possible to adaptively choose a suitable truncation parameter KK, but in practice it is set to the length of the subsequence in the current minibatch.

When using BPTT, we can train the model with batches of short sequences, created with non-overlapping windows from the original sequence.

If the subsequences are not ordered by time steps, we need to reset the hidden state for each batch.

15.2.6 Vanishing and exploding gradients

RNNs with enough hidden units can in principle remember inputs from long in the past.

Unfortunately, the gradient can vanish or explode through time, since we recursively multiply by WhhW_{hh} at each time step forward, and by the Jacobian JhhJ_{hh} backward.

A simple heuristic is to use gradient clipping. More sophisticated methods attempt to control the spectral radius λ\lambda of the forward mapping WhhW_{hh} as well as the backward mapping JhhJ_{hh}.

The simplest way to control the spectral radius is to randomly initialize WhhW_{hh} so that λ1\lambda \approx 1 and then keep it fixed. We only learnW_{hx}$$W_{ho}, resulting in a convex optimization problem.

This is called an echo state network (ESN). A similar approach called liquid state machine (LSM) uses binary-valued neurons (spikes) instead of continuous ones.

A more generic term for both ESNs and LSMs is reservoir computing. Another approach to this problem is to use constrained optimization to ensure WhhW_{hh} stays orthogonal.

An alternative to explicitly controlling the spectral radius is to modify the architecture of the RNN itself, to use additive rather than multiplicative weights, similar to residual nets. This significantly improves training stability.

15.2.7 Gating and long term memory

We now focus on solutions were we update the hidden state in an additive way. Gating recurrent units (GRU)

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We assume XRN×DX\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D}, where NN is the batch size and DD is the vocabulary size. Similarly, HRN×HH\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times H} where HH is the number of hidden units.

The reset gate and update gate are computed as:

Rt=σ(XtWxr+Ht1Whr+br)Zt=σ(XtWxz+Ht1Whz+bz)\begin{align} R_t=\sigma(X_tW_{xr}+H_{t-1}W_{hr}+\bold{b}_r)\\ Z_t=\sigma(X_tW_{xz}+H_{t-1}W_{hz}+\bold{b}_z) \end{align}

Note that each elements of RtR_t and ZtZ_t is in [0,1][0,1] because of the sigmoid.

We then define a candidate next vector using:

H~t=tanh(XtWxh+(RtHt1)Whh+bh)\tilde{H}_t=\tanh(X_t W_{xh}+(R_t\odot H_{t-1})W_{hh}+\bold{b}_h)

This combines the old memories that are not reset with the new inputs.

If the entries of the reset gate RtR_t are close to 1, we get the regular RNN update.

If these entries are close to 0, we don’t use memories and the update is the regular MLP.

Once we have computed the new candidate state, we compute the actual new state:

Ht=ZtHt1+(1Zt)H~tH_t=Z_{t}\odot H_{t-1}+(1-Z_t)\odot \tilde{H}_t

When an update gate value ZtdZ_{td} is close to 1, we dismiss the new inputs and capture long term dependencies. Long short term memory (LSTM)

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LSTM is a more sophisticated model than GRU, even if it pre-dates it by almost 20 years.

The main idea is to augment the state ht\bold{h}_t with a memory cell ct\bold{c}_t.

We need three gates to control this cell:

  • the output OtO_t determines what gets read out
  • the input ItI_t determines what gets read in
  • the forget FtF_t determines when we should reset the cell

We compute them as:

Ot=σ(XtWxo+Ht1Who+bo)It=σ(XtWxi+Ht1Whi+bi)Ft=σ(XtWxf+Ht1Whf+bf)\begin{align} O_t &= \sigma(X_tW_{xo}+H_{t-1}W_{ho}+\bold{b}_o) \\ I_t &= \sigma(X_t W_{xi}+H_{t-1}W_{hi}+\bold{b}_i) \\ F_t &= \sigma(X_t W_{xf}+H_{t-1}W_{hf}+\bold{b}_f) \end{align}

We then compute a new candidate cell:


The actual update to the cell is a combination between the old cell or the candidate cell:

Ct=FtCt1+ItC~tC_t=F_t\odot C_{t-1}+I_t \odot \tilde{C}_t

When Ftd=1F_{td}=1 and Itd=0I_{td}=0, this can remember long terms dependencies.

Finally, we compute the hidden state as a transformed version of the cell, provided the output gate is on:


Note that HtH_t plays both the role of the output of the cell and the hidden state of the next step. This lets the model remember what it has just output (short term), whereas CtC_t deals with the long term memory.

Many variants of the LSTM have been introduced, but this architecture has good performances for most tasks.

15.2.8 Beam search

The simplest way to generate from a RNN is to use greedy decoding, where we compute at each step:

y^t=arg maxyp(yt=yy^1:t,x)\hat{y}_t=\argmax_y p(y_t=y|\hat{\bold{y}}_{1:t},\bold{x})

We can repeat this process until we generate the “end of sentence” token.

However, this will not generate the MAP sequence:

y1:T=arg maxy1:Tp(y1:Tx)\bold{y}^*_{1:T}=\argmax_{\bold{y}_{1:T}} p(\bold{y}_{1:T}|\bold{x})

The reason is that locally optimum at step tt might not be on the globally optimum path (see figure below, where the likelihood is the product of all blue items).

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For hidden Markov models, we can use Viterbi decoding (which is an example of dynamic programming) in O(TV2)O(TV^2) where VV is the vocabulary size.

But for RNN, computing the global optimum takes O(VT)O(V^T), since the hidden state is not a sufficient statistic for the data.

Beam search is a faster heuristic, where we only keep the KK best path at any time step. We then expand for every VV possible way, generating VKVK candidates. We only takes the KK best, and iterate.

This algorithm takes O(KV)O(KV).

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We can also sample the top KK outputs without replacement. This is called stochastic beam search, where we add Gumbel noise to perturb the model partial probability at each step.